Thursday, March 12, 2009

I Have A Bridge I Can Sell You Too....

I don't believe this story for one minute.....the kids Dad says the reason he didn't answer his phone is because it was on silent and was charging back in his bedroom. I know better than that. If I believe that story, then I guess someone can sell me a bridge too.....he asked me to apologize to the kids for him. I also told him that my daughter was upset because he didn't call them on Wednesday. He said not to worry about it and he has 5 days to make it up to them.

I know he ignored the calls because he was with his girlfriend. He won't see her for 5 days now....poor baby. Unless he decides to introduce her to the kids, which I am STRONGLY against. If I was a betting person, I see her moving into his house very soon. If either of those things happen, again the nice ex-wife will go away, and the total bitch will come out. I have told him several times I am against him introducing his whore-friend to the kids. First of all, this divorce is too new and my daughter is starting to not like the whole idea. Secondly, the ex and his girlfriend have broke up and got back together at least 5 times since they started going out. Not a very stable relationship to say the least.

In a way I kind of feel bad for the whore-friend. He is already using controlling tactics on her ultimatums and such. He did that to me for 15 years of marriage.......but she is the stupid one that got involved with a married man, and she is still married too!

I am so mad at him right now....I would love to just bitch slap him right now!

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