Monday, March 30, 2009

Finally...I am back

After not having my own laptop for a month....I have a new laptop, since HP couldn't fix the one I had. I like this one much better, and now I don't have to use my work laptop now.

So....I spent the weekend (well most of it) with Scott. I hadn't seen him in two weeks, which sucked. Now, I won't see him again until NEXT Saturday. It's just crazy. I want to spend more time with him, but the kids come first.

I know Scott cares about me and loves me. That in itself is nice. He is a no-pressure kind of guy, which is something I need. He values me for me and that is key to me. We both get to talking about the future, and then we slap each other into reality and say "SLOW DOWN!" LOL

It is nice to know that he would like to be a part of my future.

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