Sunday, March 15, 2009

Hurt Devasted and Angry

Today as I was doing the laundry, I was looking around the basement at all the things he has left in the basement. I was looking at the mound of crap on the sitting on the desk. I started sorting through the papers, and found the most shocking and devasting piece of paper I would ever see in my life.

He had my son DNA tested back in December! He honestly thought that my son was not his! I know where this stems from....his mother and I don't get along, and she didn't want Keith to marry me....she has told so many lies to him, including the fact that I apparently had an affair back in 1995 or 1996 with a co-worker.

The guy may have been an asshole, but never, ever did I do anything that would make him believe that my son is not his.

I am crying, I am angry and hurt. This hurts more than when he asked for a divorce.

He is the one that freaking cheated, he is the one that said I wasn't good enough in bed for him. He has alot of freaking balls.....I hate, yes HATE this man. What sucks is that I still have to be civil towards him for the kids.

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